torsdag, december 4

"let's play a game that you never tried"

Nej, nu tar vi helg. Har bara en lektion imorgon, så man kan nästan säga att skolveckan är slut. Så vi firar helgen med en galet bra låt. Med en galet bra text. Av en galet cool artist.

Good girls are pretty like all the time
I'm just pretty some of the time
good girls are happy and satisfied
I won't stop asking until I die

I just can't deal with the rules
I can't take the pressure
it's got me saying

who's that girl? that you dream of
who's that girl? that you think you love
who's that girl? what if i'm nothing like her
I know there's no such girl
I swear I can't take the pressure
who's that girl?

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